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The key motivation for my research is to uncover how common marketing practices and innovative technologies (e.g., AI-based) have an (unintended) impact on consumers and employees and their interactions in the marketplace, and how these interactions directly or indirectly impact consumer and employee well-being and behavior. Hence, my research interests position me at the intersection of consumer psychology, organizational psychology, service management, human-computer interaction, and computer science.


I am especially intrigued by the causes and underlying mechanisms of the darker side of marketplace interactions and by questions pertaining to emotions and emotion regulation. Particularly, the role of technology and its potential to transform interactions in the marketplace has sparked my interest. In all of my projects, I strive for research rigor and relevance to society. 


In my opinion, one of the most precious perks of working in academia is the freedom of collaborating with great minds from all over the world on exciting, common research interests. I regularly present and publish my research at leading venues in the field and passionately pass on my knowledge to students and fellow researchers.


Technology and the future of service interactions

Emotions in service interactions

Employee and consumer well-being


Social Cognition of Immoral behavior


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